Damani Adrian DaSilva (aceltd@caribfsurf.com)- Currently living in Bank Hall, St. Michael, Barbados. Attended Harrison College, Class of '93. Graduate of the University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus.
Karen (Kay) DaSilva (dasilvak@telusplanet.net) - Currently living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (From "Henley", Christ Church). Attended Ursuline Convent and Queens College 1978-81.
Kathy DaSilva (islandgirl405@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (From Christ Church). Attended Attended Ursuline Convent (Barbados & England) Graduated in 1978.
Michael A DaSilva (avlisad@telusplanet.net) - Currently living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (From Christ Church). Attended Presentation College 78-82.
Sheri-Lee DaSilva (nee Evelyn) (sherilee@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in Durants, Christ Church (From Clermont Gardens, St. Michael). Attended Queen's College 1981-88.
Orson R. Daisley (ordais@ibl.bm) - Currently living in Warwick, Bermuda (From The Pine, St. Michael). Attended Harrisons College 1956 to 1964.
David D. Dalrymple (bajandd@optonline.net) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Pinelands, St. Michael). Attended Barbados Academy 1963-68.
Henderson Dalrymple (hendal2@yahoo.com) - Currently living in London, UK (From St. Thomas). Attended Holy Innocents Boys, Combermere, Middlesex University, Thames Valley and Brunel Universities.
Adrian D. Daniel (adrian_daniel@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Ipswich, Suffolk, England (From Holetown, St. James). Attended Wesley Hall Junior, Harrison College 1986-93 and University of Kent 1993-96.
Barbara L. Daniel (barbarabajan@hotmail.com) - Currently living in London, England (From Bush Hall and Spooners Hill, St. Michael). Attended St. Giles Infant School, Prescod High School, and Richmond.
Carolyn Daniel (aka Donna Powlett) (slims23@btinternet.com) - Currently living in the United Kingdom (From Sayes Court, Christ Church). Attended Coleridge & Parry 1987-92.
Chester A. Daniel (daniel@ilnk.com)- Currently residing in Jacksonville, Florida (From Belair, St. George.). Attended Washington High School 1972-1976. Completing Master's Thesis at the University of North Florida.
Fitzalbert McCarthy Daniel (mpbgm@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Maple, Ontario Canada (From Inch Marlowe, Christ Church).
Geoffrey Daniel (gsdaniel@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Mississauga, Ontario (From Christ Church).
Betty. M. Daniel (nee Rollins) (bemonda@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in St. George, formerly from St. Michael. Attended St. Stephens Primary and S.D.A Secondary.
Ida May Daniel (Berk) (jazzprod@aol.com) - Currently living in San Francisco, California (From Christ Church).
Dr. Juliet Daniel (bajanjules@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (From Culloden Road, St Michael). Attended Queen's College 1976-1983.
Kathryn Daniel (nee Branker) (bajangrrl@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Bermuda (From Welches Heights, St. Thomas). Attended Queen's College, Barbados 1971-79 and Ontario College of Art & Design 1980-84.
Home Page -
Neil A. Daniel (losbarbados@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Silver Springs, Maryland (From St. Thomas). Attended St. Michaels, the Lodge School and Delaware State University.
Susan Jemmott - Daniel (gsdaniel@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada (From St. George).
Sharon Jamie Daniel (nee Phillips) (sonrisa20@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York(From Parish Land, Christ Church). Attended St. Bartholomew's Girls' School 1982-1988; St. Michael's Secondary School 1988-1993. Church: Pilgrim Rd SDA Church.
Therese E. Daniel (terridan@hotmail.com) - Currently living in St. George. Attended Combermere School 1984-91 and University of the West Indies at Cave Hill 1995-98.
Anita Dantzler (a504@webtv.net)- Currently living in Queens, New York (From Haggatt Hall, St Michael). Attended Queens College 1963-1970.
Andrew Darlington (andrew_darlington@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Valley Ridge, Christ Church (From Kingsland, Christ Church). Attended Combermere.
Andrew D. Dash (andrewdash2003@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Amityville (Long Island), New York (From Bank Hall, St. Michael). Attended Wesley Hall Boys 1964-68 and Harrison College 1968-76.
Paul Dash (paulhdash@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Los Angeles, California (From St. Michael).
Pedro Dash (pqd_1@rocketmail.com) - Currently living in Ormond Beach, Florida (From Shop Hill, St. Thomas). Attended Sharon Primary, Buxton Boys and Harrison College 1981-88.
Donna-Maria DaSilva-Campbell (donnmari59@hotmail.com) - Currently living in West Moorings, Trinidad (From Belleville, St. Michael). Attended St. Angela's 1965-70 and St. Ursula's 1970-75.
Dawson Dates (terry@northrock.bm)- Currently residing in Bermuda (From Black Rock, St.Michael). Attended Ellerslie Secondary from 1975 - 1981.
Ryan A. Dates (Ryan.Dates@cwbar.cwplc.com) - Currently living in Bank Hall, St. Michael. Attended Combermere 1987-92 and B.C.C. 1992-94, 1995-98.
Sharad David (mackavelle@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Shop Hill, St. Thomas. Attended Sharon Primary and St. Leonards Boys.
Andrew Davis (daviselectronics@aol.com) - Currently living in Long island, New York (From St. Catherines, St. Philip). Attended St. Catherines Primary 1979-85, Princess Margaret Secondary 1985-89.
Angela Y. Davis (adavis@hfnm.com) - Currently living in Saint Albans, New York (From Long Gap, St. Michael). Attended Grace Hill Primary, Ellerslie Secondary and Barbados O'Level Institute.
Catherine A. Davis-Austin (bajanflower@msn.com) - Currently living in Stamford, Connecticut (From Six Roads, St. Philip). Attended Princess Margaret Secondary School, class of 1986.
Charles H Davis (c-h-davis@comcast.net) - Currently living in Richmond, Virginia (From Pine Hill, St. Michael). Attended Harrison College 1968-1974.
Jerome Davis (ejerome55@yahoo.ca) - Currently living in Blades Hill, St. Philip (From St. Philip). Attended St. Mark's and the Lodge School 1966-74.
Michael E. Davis (davisme1@comcast.net) - Currently living in Brooklyn. New York (From Beckles Hill, St. Michael). Attended Bay Primary 1967.
Suzette Davis-Williams (suzied@uswest.net) - Currently living in Aurora, Colorado (From Seaview, St. James).
Fran deBeger (jf.willemsen@xtra.co.nz) - Currently living in Dunedin, New Zealand (From St. Michael). Attended St. Angelas and the Ursuline Convent, finished 1977.
Geoffrey F. De Caires (islander@netrover.com) - Currently living in Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada (From Long Bay, St. Philip). Attended Presentation College; St. Michael's 1987-92. Studying At Bishop's University.
Maria Dean (nee Fernandes) (steelband48@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Rochester, New York (From Rendezvous Gardens, Christ Church). Attended Ursuline Convent.
Aaron N. Deane (aarondeane@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Ottawa, Canada (From Frere Pilgrim, Christ Church). Attended Luther Thorne Memorial Primary School, St. Michael's Secondary School and Barbados Community College.
Glenfield Deane (grdprescott2496@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Regency Lane, St. George. Attended St. George Secondary, Roxbury Community College and Northeastern University/College.
Gregory S. Deane (gregdean@batelnet.bs) - Currently living in Nassau, NP, Bahamas (From ????). Attended Queen's College; Nassau 1974 - 1980. Son Of Patterson Arthur Deane. "Greatest Methodist Minister To Grace The Caribbean".
Hughie Deane (hurose@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Prospect, St. James). Attended the Ursuline Convent and Harrison College.
Jacqueline M Deane (janusface50@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada (From Mullins, St. Peter). Attended Alexandra.
Michael Deane (mikedeane.23@gmail.com) - Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia (From Ruby Park, St. Phillip and Roebuck Street, St. Michael). Attended St. Leonards Boys and Georgia State University.
Peter Deane (peterdeane@comcast.net)- Currently living in Jacksonville, Florida (From Hastings, Christ Church). Attended Lodge School (late 50's to early 60's). Was a member of Berean Bible Church.
Vincent E. Deane (vdeane@shaw.ca) - Currently living in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada (From Prospect, St. James). Attended Barbados Academy.
Wynell Deane (wynelld@hotmail.com) - Currently living in the British Virgin ISlands (From St. Joseph). Attended Chalky Mount Primary and Combermere School AKA Waterford University 1979-85.
Juanita Deane-Warner (juan0170@aol.com) - Currently living in Edison, New Jersey (From Christ Church). Queen's College '88.
Tamika (Tammy) Dear (ctdear@msn.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Brewsters Rd, Barbarees Hill). Attended Westbury Primary and St. James Secondary 1985-91.
Yvonne Deen (ariel4444@hotmail.com) - Currently living in London, England (From Eastbourne, St. Philip). Attended The Lodge School 1981-88.
Amina Degia (baje584@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Canada (From Chelsea Rd, St. Michael). Attended Garrison Secondary School.
Hajra Degia (hdegia@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Athens, Ohio (From Bridgetown and Maxwell Hill, Christ Church). Attended Springer Memorial 1984-90, Barbados Community College 1990-92 and University of the West Indies 1997-2000.
Haroon Degia (hardive@caribnet.net) - Currently living in Chelsea Road, St. Michael, Barbados. Attended Garrison Secondary 1976-1981.
Home Page-
Mohammed Iqbal Degia (m.i.degia@lse.ac.uk)- Currently studying at the London School of Economics & Political Science (From Bridgetown, St. Michael). Attended Queen's College 1989-1994; Community College 1994-1996.
Rashid A Degia (hyperrad@aol.com) - Currently living in Miami, Florida (From Maxwell Main Rd, Christ Church). Attended St. Mary's Infants, St. Mary's Junior, Paragon High 1966-72 and Barbados O Level Institute.
Lisa Nicole Delaney (lisa_delaney@yahoo.com OR smallfry98@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brittons Hill St. Michael. Attended Queen's College 1988-1996; UWI cave hill 1996-present.
Dr. Rudolph Delice (rosewolf@sunbeach.net) - Currently residing in St. George, Barbados.
Grace Denny (nee Leacock) (gdenny@beachpa.com) - Currently living in Miramar, Florida (From Barbarees Hill, St. MIchael). Attended Alexandra School 1973-80.
Sherryanne Husbands Dennie (sherryanndennie@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Charnocks, Christ Church). Attended The Lodge School 1980-82.
Simone Dennison (Young) (bajanqueen32@gmail.com) - Currently living in North Carolina (From Brittons Hill, St. Michael). Attended St. Pauls Primary and Garrison Secondary.
Carlyon John Denny (carlyon@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Lower Carlton St. James). Attended Harrison College and John Jay in New York.
Colin Denny (clemdenny51@onetel.com) - Currently living in London, England (From Eagle Hall, St. Michael). Attended Wesley Hall Boys.
Myrlene Denny (bjanqn@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Black Rock, St. Michael). Attended Community High.
Jacqueline A. DePeiza (jackann825@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Aviano, Italy (From Bournes Land, Christ Church). Attended Unique High School and Princess Margaret Secondary School.
Petrina Whitney-DeSouza (gldbrownsugar@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Killeen, Texas (From Ashton Hall, St. Peter). Attended St. Lucy's Primary and Combermere.
Bertram Deukett (deukett@xtra.co.nz) - Currently living in Auckland, New Zealand (From St John). Attended St. Margarets School and Washington High Sshool.
Phil Devaux (rockley2@ozemail.com.au) - Currently reside in Queensland, Australia (From Christ Church/St Michael). Phil would like to establish contact with former "Old Boys" from Harrison College, especially from the years 1959-1961, who may have been former classmates.
Stephen A. Devaux (apm7@ix.netcom.com) - Currently living in Massachusetts (From St. Michael).
Anthony Devonish (jerejan@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Eckstein Village, St Michael, Barbados.
Floyd P. Devonish (devonishf-c@tinyworld.co.uk) - Currently living in Ipswic, Suffolk, UK (From Buckley, St. George). Attended Barbados Academy for Boys 1966-67 and Metropolitan High 1967-71.
Heather Devonish (lula.small83@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Cambridge, Ontario Canada (From Arthurs Seat, St. Thomas). Attended Sharon Primary School.
June Devonish, NOW June Williams (jdevonish@snet.net) - Currently living in Hartford, Connecticut (From Shorey Village, St. Andrew).
Melvin DeVonish (Formerly Williams) (mell01@msn.com) - Currently living in New York (From Hall's Village St. James).
Winston L. Devonish (wdevonish@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Ottawa, Canada (From Gall Hill, Christ Church). Attended Boys' Foundation School 1964-71, Cornwall Technical College and Porthcurno Engineering College, England 1973.
Deborah Dickenson (debbiedann19@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Gibbs Hill, St. Peter). Attended Alexandra Secondary 1976-82.
Cecelia Rose Dickinson (ceceliarosedickinson@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Indianapolis, Indiana (From Sargeant Village, Christ Church).
Paula Parris Dillon (pcutie33872@jahoo.com) - Currently living in Lake Placid, Florida (From St. Philip).
Sonia D. Dinkins (nee Edwards, aka Denise) (zblue80@bellsouth.net) - Currently living in Sunrise, Florida (From Bank Hall, St. Michael). Attended Hindsbury Primary 1968-71 and St. Michael's Girls School 1971-72.
Annette Diop (nee Alleyne) (diop987@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Stone Mountain, Georgia (From Howell's Cross Rd, St. Michael). Attended Belmont Primary School and University of Westminster (formerly Polytechnic of Central London).
Khismar Dixon (khismar_dixon@yahoo.com)- Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Black Rock, St. Michael). Attended St. Stephen's Primary, St. Martin's Four Roads Primary, and The Lodge School. Currently attending Sheepshead Bay High School.
Charles Dominique (charles@fido.bfriars.ox.ac.uk) - Currently living in Oxford, England (From St. Michael).
Trevor T. Donaie (donaie@rogers.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Bridgetown, St. Michael). Attended Coleridge & Parry School.
Tracy Donald (nee Layne) (atourplace@shaw.ca) - Currently living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada (From Lodge Hill, St. Michael).
Maria Dorival-Martial (tufluckdorival@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (From Garden Land, St. Michael). Attended Hindsbury Primary School, St. Leonard's Secondary Girls 1969-74, Milwaukee Area Technical College and Cardinal Stritch University.
Shane O. Dorson (dorson_omar@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Wildey, St. Michael. Attended Wesley Hall Primary 1987-90, Christ Church Foundation Secondary 1990-97 and Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic 1997-99.
Andria Dottin (a_dottin@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (From Charnock's, Christ Church). Attended St. Bartholomew's Girls School in the late 70's.
Carol A. Dottin (cdottin@gmail.com) - Currently living in Lowlands, Christ Church. Attended The Lodge School 1987-94.
Chara M. Dottin (risharadot@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Union Development, St. Philip. Attended Christ Church Girl's Composite 1981-88 and Ellerslie Secondary 1988-94.
Danny H. Dottin (bajanboy24@excite.com) - Currently living in Boise, Idaho (From Foursquare, St. Philip). Attended St. Michael's from 1989-92.
Edmund Dottin (newdawnstudios@hotmail.co.uk) - Currently living in Liverpool, U.K. (From Carringtons Village, St. Michael). Attended Christ Church Foundation School.
Home Page -
Marcia A. Dottin (madot@hotmail.com or marciad16@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Gov't Hill, St. Michael. Attended Combermere School 1982-88.
Sylvan Dottin (jbdynamite@yahoo.ca) - Currently living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (From Kirton, St. Philip). Attended St. Martins and Foundation.
Kenvilled Doughty (kenvilledoughty@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Rices, St. Philip. Attended St. Martin's Primary and the Christ Church Foundation School.
Ralph Doughty (doughtyralph@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Palm Grove, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands (From Four Roads, St. Philip). Attended St. Martins-Four Roads Primary, Princess Margaret High and Regional Police Training Center.
Ian Douglas (ian-douglas@lycos.com) - Currently living in Oxnard Heights, St. James. Attended Parkinson.
Jimmy Douglas (jimmyd@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in Christ Church, Barbados.
Suzanne E Douglas (suzydave@earthlink.net)- Currently residing in Superior, Colorado (From Club Morgan Gap, St Michael). Attended Stow Primary School ? - 1968; Queens' College 1968 - 1976; UWI Barbados 1976-1979; UWI Mona 1979-1980; Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia 1982-1984.
Victoria J. Douglas (victoriajdouglas@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Four Roads, St. Philip. Attended St. Martins Primary and Queen's College, currently studying at UWI Cave Hill Campus.
Kathy A. Douglas-Minor (bajankat601@aol.com) - Currently living in Stamford, Connecticut (From Bournes Land, Christ Church). Attended Garrison Secondary School 1979-82.
Diana R. Douglin Currently studying at St. Augustine, Trinidad. Attended Harrison College 1988-95.
Richard Douglin (sofirich@quixnet.net) - Currently living in Far Rockaway, Queens, New York (From Joes River, St. Joseph). Attended Queen Elizabeth Primary school and West St. Joesph 1975-77.
Home Page -
http://www.eddinfo.com (IBO pass# 2210092)
Rico Downer (rdrdrd@worldnet.att.net)- Currently residing in Westchester County, New York (From St. Michael).
Romeo Downer (bajanmun@aol.com)- Currently living in Marina Del Rey, California (From Grazette, St. Michael).
Home Page-
Brian S. Downes (briandownes1@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Airy Hill, St. Joseph. Attended St. Bernards Primary and Queen's College 1989-94.
Carol Downes (cdownes475@aol.com)- Currently residing in Brooklyn, New York ( From Black Rock, St. Michael). Attended the Alleyne School.
Charmaine H. A. R. Downes (charms_1983@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Union, St. Philip). Attended Charles F. Broome Memorial Primary School 1988-95, Harrison College 1995-02, and York University.
Elvis Downes (vere@prodigy.net)- Currently residing in Boston Massachusetts (From St. Michael). Attended Metropolitan, Barbados Community College and University of the West Indies.
Everton R. Downes (rick_ups_hunter@myway.com) - Currently living in White Plains, New York (From Grazettes, St. Michael). Attended Combermere School 1971-78, City University of New York, Metroploitan College of New York and Fordham University in New York.
Renee N. Downes (rensie@rcn.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Walkers, St. Andrew). Attended St. Andrew's Composite 1984-91, Harrison College 1991-98, currently attending Emerson College.
Susanne Downes (nee Ward) (asdownes@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in St. James (From Pegwell, Christ Church). Attended Foundation School 1976-82.
Mark Jason Downey (downey@sunisle.com) - Currently living in Christ Church, Barbados.
Paul Downey (paul.downey@sympatico.ca) - Currently living Pickering, Ontario, Canada (From Rendezvous Gardens Christ Church).
Stephen M. Downie (trubajan@aol.com) - Currently residing in Brockton, Massachusetts (From St. Michael).
Anthony E. Downnie (downiex5@zfree.co.nz) - Currently living in Auckland, New Zealand (From St. Johns). Attended St. Margarets.
Wendell Dave Dowrich (wddowrich@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Norwalk, Connecticut (From Bank Hall, St. Michael). Attended Harrison College, from 1978-1985.
Dave Dowridge (dowridge@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Washington, D.C. (From Bayland, St. Michael).
Rupert Dowridge (fitzrupertd@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Coatesville, Pennsylvania (From Wildey, St. Michael). Attended Coleridge and Parry.
Allan G. Drakes (jewelrymedix@email.msn.com) - Currently living in Norcross, Georgia (From Waterford Housing Area, St. Michael). Attended Combermere School 1972-80.
Julian D. "moonie" Drakes (drakesie@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Carrington Vil/de Pine). Attended St. Pauls Primary and Foundation 1988-94.
Tonya C. Drakes (tonyadrakes@aol.com ) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Welchman Hall, St. Thomas). Attended Boston Latin Academy, Norton High School and Howard University.
Carolyn Drayton (csd_blessed@hotmail.com) - Currently living in St. Michael. Attended Grace Hill Memorial, St. Leonards Girls School 1972-1978 and St. Caroline's Business College.
Dawn F. Drayton (bajangal428@aol.com) - Currently living in the Bronx, New York (From Wilcox, Christ Church). Attended Springer Memorial in 1987.
Michelle Drayton (bajan@gsu.edu) - Currently schooling at GSU, Atlanta, Georgia(From Ruby Park, St. Philip).
Home Page-
Miguel Antonio Drayton (bajan@mailexcite.com) - Currently living in Los Angeles, California (From Ruby Park, St. Philip). Attended Foundation School, Stanford University, Oxford University, and USC graduate filmschool.
Nickey Drayton (nickdrayton@hotmail.com) - Currently living in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands (From Enterprise, Christ Church). Attended St. Giles, Harrsun Kolij.
Richard Drayton (richard.drayton@gte.net) - Currently residing in the United States (From St. Michael).
Philip A. DuBois (duboisphilip@hotmail.com) - Presently living in Washington DC (from St .Michael). Attended Lodge School from 1970-77.
David R. Duesbury (juiceman@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in St. Thomas (From My Lord's Hill, St. Michael). Attended The Abbey and Combermere.
Richard Wayne Duesbury (wangyu@caribsurf.com) - Currently living at My Lords Hill, St.Michael, Barbados. Attended The Abbie Primary School, Boy Foundation School 1963-1971, The Jamaica School of Agriculture 1975-1977, U.W.I Cave Hill.
Andrea Duguid (nee Nurse) (bajanne1@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Durants, Christ Church. Attended St. Christopher's Girls Primary, Alexandra School, B'dos Community College and U.W.I. 1979-81.
Giselle Duncan (saycan@sayers-web.com) or
Kevin Sayers - Currently residing in Hewitt, Texas (From Christ Church). Attended St. Winifred.
Peter Durant (pdu005@msn.com) - Currently living in Minneapolis Minnesota (From Sayes Court, Christ Church).
Erma Oneta Dyall (erma8701@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Berkshire, United Kingdom (From Black Rock, St. Michael).
Shani Dyall (shnidyall@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Canada (From St. Michael).