Davvida Waight (bajangirlnc@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Jacksonville, North Carolina (From Gun Hill, Barbados). Attended St. Angela's 1974-79, St. Michaels 1979-84 and BCC 1984-86.
Aileen A. Waithe (nee Reid) (a_waithe@rogers.com) - Currently living in Brampton, Ontario, Canada (From Brittons Hill, St. Michael). Attended St. Pauls Primary, Christ Church Foundation, Graduated class of 1984, attended Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic.1985-1987 and Mohawk College in Canada.
Anthony E. Waithe (nee Snagg) (a_waithe@rogers.comm) - Currently living in Brampton, Ontario, Canada (From Britton's Road, St. Michael) Attended Bay Primary, Garrison Secondary, Samual Jackson Prescod Polytechnic and George Brown College in Canada.
Courtney M. Waithe (cwaithe0@bellsouth.net) - Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia (From Ashbury/Ellerton/St.Judes, St. George). Attended Carrington Village Primary and Combermere 1977-1979.
Hayden Sadiki Waithe (hsadiki@aol.com) - Currently resides in Park Slope Brooklyn, New York (From Martinique Rd, St. Michael). Attended Foundation from 1975-'81.
Heather H. Waithe (hazeric@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Cane Garden, St. Thomas (From St. John).
Jason Waithe (dlsupa@yahoo.co.in) - Currently living in New Dehli, India (From St. Michael). Attended Carrington's Primary, The Alleyne School and B.C.C.
John Waithe (john.waithe@gmail.com) - Currently living in Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada (From St. John). Attended St. John Mixed and Modern High.
Malissa Waithe (mwaithe@comcast.net) - Currently living in Nashville, Tennessee (From Carrington Village/ Pines, St. Michael). Attended Wilkie Cumberbatch Primary 1986-89.
Roland Waithe (rolandwaithe@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Carters, St. John. Attended Presentation College(1966-1974).
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Wayne Waithe (wwaithe@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Martinique Road, St. Michael).
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Wesley DeCourcey Waithe (islandflavor@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Tokyo, Japan (From Parish Land, Christ Church).
Merlyn Waithe-Clarke (mclark83@bellsouth.net) - Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia (From Ashbury, St. George). Attended St. Judes.
Alfred D. Walcott (awal199904@aol.com) - Currently living in Bronx, New York (From Kirton's, St. Philip). Attended Harrison College.
Ann A. Walcott (leeyah22@adelphia.net) - Currently living in West Palm Beach, Florida (From Ellerton Housing Area, St. George). Attended Federal High School.
Joycelyn Wall (Joycelynwall@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Ellerton, St. George). Attended St. Lukes Girls and St. George's Secondary.
Anton Wesley Walcott (anton_1201@rogers.com) - Currently living in Brampton, Ontario, Canada (From Grazettes, St. Michael). Attended Pine Primary and Combermere.
Candice Walcott (bajantothebone@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From St. George). Attended St. George's Secondary.
Charles Walcott (walcocha@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Pembroke, Bermuda (From Salters, St. George). Attended St. George's Boy School, St. George's Secondary School and Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic.
Colin A (Tony) Walcott (alphacor@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Warrens Terrace, St. Thomas. Formerly of Sargeant's Village, Christ Church. Attended Boys' Foundation School, 1957 - 1967. Interested in contacting any Foundation Old Scholars (Male & Female) to help us build up registers.
Harriett C. Walcott (harriett_walcott@hotmail.com) - Currently living in St. Lawrence Main Road, Christ Church. Attended Springer Memorial Girls.
Ian Walcott (Ianwalcott@hotmail.com)- Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From The Valley in St George). Attended Boy's Foundation, Roebuck Secondary School 1984-1990; Barbados Community College 1990-1992.
Ian "Enkidu" Walcott (iankingsley@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Christ Church). Attended Foundation from 1960-1969.
Jefferson Walcott (crw@northrock.bm) - Currently living in Bermuda (From St. George).
Keith E. Walcott Jr. (blackhwk@speakeasy.net) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York where he was born (From St John). Attended Long Island Univeristy, Brooklyn Campus.
Keith.E.Walcott Sr. (bocat2@worldnet.att.net) - Currently living in the Bronx, New York (From St. John).
Kim Walcott (kim_walcott@hotmail.com)- Curently living in Barbados (From Valley Land, St. George). Attended St. Michael School from 1982-87, Barbados Community College 1988-90, Delaware State University 1994-96 and Wilmington College 1997-98.
Margrell Walcott (chericott@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Ellerton, St. George). Attended St. George's Secondary.
Michele Walcott (clairezoe_1@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Christ Church. Attended Wilkie Cumberbatch Primary, St. Ursulas, Garrison, S.J.P.P and Community College.
Rodney Walcott (crw@northrock.bm) - Currently studying at Bermuda College, Bermuda (From Salters,St. George). Attended Foundation School 1988-1994; Bermuda College 94-97.
Dr. Ron R. Walcott Ph.D. (rwalcott@arches.uga.edu) - Currently living in Athens, Georgia (From Bush Hall, St. Michael). Attended Harrison College 1982-89, Iowa State University 1990-95, The University of Georgia 1995-99.
Ronald "Foxy" Walcott (rwalcott@uga.cc.uga.edu) - Currently attending the University of Georgia in Athens , Georgia (From Bush Hall St. Michael). Attended Harrison College 1982-1989.
Shahida Ifill-Walcott (shaone@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Husbands Gardens, St. James.
Tammy L. Walcott (x1807babycakes@hotmail.com ) - Currently living in Baycroft Road, Carrington Village, St. Michael. Attended the Alleyne School from 1989-95.
Victor C. Walcott (victor.walcott@bell.net) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From St. Michael.) Attended St. Mathias Boys and Community High School.
Wendy Walcott (wjow@africana.com) - Currently living in Edenlodge, St Michael (From St. George). Attended Ellerslie Secondary.
Lorraine Waldron (passhun8@msn.com) - Currently living in Montreal,Quebec, Canada (From St. Peter).
Allison Y. Walker (nee Eastmond) (ayw80@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From The Whim, St. Peter). Attended Springer Memorial & Alexandra Secondary Schools.
Ian A. Walker (whywalk@hotmail.com) - Currently residing in Brampton, Ontario, Canada (From Tudor Bridge St. Michael ). Attended All Saints Boys' and Combermere until 1974.
Keith J. Walker (Bugger) (keith@wiiscom.com)- Currently living in Rancho Cucamonga, California (From Fairview, St. Patrick's, Christ Church). Attended St. Patrick's Boys and St. Anthony's. Current Position- Pres/CEO, WIISCOM Technologies.
McDonald Walker (mackie@caribsurf.com)- Currently residing in Walkers, St George, Barbados. Attended Combermere 1951 - 1957.
Mildred (Millie) Walker (millie_walker@agilent.com) - Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia (From Brittons Hill, St. Michael). Attended Parkinson and Modern High School.
Tress M. Walker (tmwalkerjs@hotmail.com) - Currently living in St. Albans, New York (From Gilkes Land, St. Michael).
Anderson (Andy) Walkes (awalkes@nyc.rr.com) - Currently living in Woodhaven, New York (From Belleplaine, St. Andrew). Attended Alleyne School in 1968.
Margaret Walkes (walkes42@Hotmail.com) - Currently living in Goodland, St. Michael. Attended Modern High School.
Raquel Walkes-Codrington (bajangirl01@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Deacon's Road, St. Michael). Attended St. James Secondary School.
Ryan A. Walkes (darkman, thirty-thirty) (iluvesoca@yahoo.ca) - Currently living in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada (From Eagel Hall, St. Michaels). Attended St. Leonard's Boys School 1997.
Rosemary A. Wall (honeycomb33@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Enterprise, Christ Church (From Ellerton, St. George). Attended Ursuline Convent, Ellerton Primary and St. Christopher's Girls.
Shirley Wall-Mayers (queensswall@aol.com) - Currently living in Oakville, Ontario, Canada (From Ellerton, St. George). Attended Modern High School and Wakefield High School.
Chimere Wallace (bksprincess@optonline.net) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From St. James).
Clayton C. Wallace (claybar@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in Brighton Crescent, St. Michael, Barbados. Best known in the field of General Insurance.
Marcus A. Walker Wallace (thegambit357@hotmail.com) - Current living in Los Angeles, California (From Christ Church).
Todd Wallbom (twallbom@burnsmcd.com) - Currently living in San Jose, California (From Mt. Standfast, Appleby, St. James). Attended St. Cyprian's, Harrison College, San Jose State and Michigan State.
Dene Walrond (duckwalters@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts. Attended Edge Hill Girls School.
Gloria Walrond-Herbert (ggirl26@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Carters, St. John and Cave Hill, St. Michael). Attended Unique High Schoool Class of 1978, Brooklyn College Class of 1999 and the University of Maryland.
Linda Walrond (walrond@myself.com) - Currently living in Upton. St. Michael. Attended Queen's College.
Deborah Walters (nee Walrond) (muzzikins@verizon.net) - Currently living in Hyde Park, Massachusetts (From White Hall, St. Michael). Attended Ellerslie Secondary, 1971-1974.
Marlene Walters (mwalters@caribsurf.com - Currently living in Black Rock, St. Michael, Barbados. Attended St. Leonard's Girls Secondary.
Martin Walters (martinwalters75@hotmail.com) - Currently living in London, England (From Calenders, Christ Church).
Ricky Walters (cricric100@aol.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From St Thomas).
Sherwyn Walters (shered@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in West Terrace Gardens, St. James, Barbados.
Carmen V. Walton (nee Jordan ) (waltoncarmen@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Moore Hill, St. Peter). Attended Federal High School.
Micheline Walton-Waterman (nee Walton) (glorydamsel@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Husbands Heights, St. James (From Barracks Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael). Attended Hindsbury Girls Primary 1974-81 and Springer Memorial 1981-87.
Dr. Anderson L. Ward (bajanmon@gmail.com) - Currently living in Kennewick, Washington (From Black Bess, St. Peter). Attended The Lodge School, 1973-81, UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and University of Guelph, Canada.
Angela Ward (angie@hotmail.com) - Currently living in the US of A. (From Christ Church and Black Rock, St. Michael). Attended St. Stephens Primary, St. Matthias and Garrison Secondary.
Annette M. Ward (award618@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Norwalk, Connecticut (From Bush Hall, St. Michael). Attended St. Leonard's Secondary Girls' School, 1976-80. Graduated from Westhill High School, Berkeley College and Sacred Heart University.
Kristian Ward (kristian_ward@yahoo.co.uk) - Currently living in Reigate, Surrey, England (From Christ Church). Attended St. Gabriel's 1980-85 and Christ Church Foundation School 1986-90.
Donna Ward (donnalynw@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Silver Hill, Christ Church.
Dorian L. Ward (nee Brome, Griffith) (deebrome@aol.com) - Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia (From St. Lucy).
James Ward ( jward@lakefieldcs.on.ca) - Currently living in Henley, St. John. Attended Lakefield College School and the Lodge School.
John N. Ward (csangster@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From St. Michaels). Attended Harrisons College.
Lance Ward (balacam@hotmail.com) - Currently living in St. James (From Holders Hill). Attended St. John the Baptist, Christ Church Foundation and UWI, Cave Hill Campus.
Michelle Ward (michward15@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From St. Lucy). Attended University of Toronto.
Nadine Ward (sweetgirl4912@gmail.com - Currently living in St. Michael.
Nick Ward (d2pacus@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Lynches, St. Philip). Attended Shrewsbury Primary School, Christ Church High, Queensborough Community College and Sacred Heart University (Fairfield, Connecticut).
Richard B. Ward (coral.island@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Leamington, Ontario, Canada (From Durants, Christ Church). Attended The Lodge School 1969-77.
Richard, Carol & Alexis Ward (brock85@home.com) - Currently living in Ontario, Canada (From Christ Church).
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Silvanus R. Ward (sil@blueyonder.co.uk) - Currently living in Solihull, England (From Greggs Farm, St. Andrews). Attended Turners Hall 1965-67.
Timothy T Ward (mjmtech@rogers.com) - Currently living in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (From Welch Village, St John). Attended St. John Mixed.
Home Page
Wes Ward (wward75272@aol.com) - Currently resides in New York.
Colwyn Warner (coljuan@earthlink.net) - Currently living in Maplewood, New Jersey (From Gibbons, Christ Church). Attended Christ Church Boys, Harrison College '86, University of Calgary and New York University, Stern School.
Ean A.L. Warner (eanwarner@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Grazettes (From Eagle Hall and Deacons Road). Attended Wesley Hall 1960-66, Combermere 1966-74 and BCI 1974-76.
Lear R Warner (ve7lrw@rac.ca)- Currently living in Victoria, BC, Canada (From Belleville, St. Michael). Attended Harrisons College.
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Philmore R. Warner (philmorewarner@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Bayswater, Queens, New York (From Deacons Road, St. Michael). Attended Combermere Boys School 1961-68 and Pace University, NY 1984-88.
Veronika ( Bynoe ) Warner (verwendy@yahoo.com) - Currently living in St. James (From Oistins, Christ Church). Attended Christ Church High School 1966-73.
Yvonne Warner (shimari@canw.ky) - Currently living in Grand Cayman (From Christ Church). Attended Modern High School 1966-72.
Jo Ann Warren (jawarren@salespromo.com) - Currently living in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada (From Belleville, St. Michael). Attended St. Gabriel's, Queen's College 1960-68 and AFS Mequon, Wisconsin 1968-69.
Adrian M. Waterman (adrianw@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in St. Philip.
Angela Waterman (nee Brown) (marla29@msn.com) - Currently living in Orlando, Florida (From Bank Hall, St. Michael).
Anthony Leroy Waterman (lightnin@magmacom.com) - Currently living in Ottawa, Canada (From Bush Hall Rd., Spooners Hill, St Michael). Attended Combermere 1955-61.
Charles Waterman (cwaterman@suntwist.com) - Lived in Brooklyn, now living in Kissimmee, Florida (From Bayland, St. Michael).
Leighton Waterman (lfwaterman@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Georgetown, Guyana (From Christ Church). Attended Wilkie Cumberbatch, Harrison College 1979-87, UWI St. Augustine 1987-90, University of Delaware 1994-96 and University of Manchester 1998-2000.
Basil L. Watkins (ragamuffin@caribsurf.com) - Currently living at Neils, St. Michael, Barbados. Attended Harrison College 1959-1966.
Dave (Fats) C. Watkins (socadave3@aol.com) - Currently living in Sacramento, California (From Navy Gardens, Christ Church). Attended Lodge School 56-64. Still raising pigeons.
Harry F. Watkins (shark@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in Graeme Hall Terrace , Christ Church, Barbados. Attended Harrison College 1959-1967.
W A (Tony) Watkins (tonyw@caribsurf.com)- Currently residing at Easy Hall, St Joseph, Barbados. Attended Harrison College 50-60; UCWI 60-63; McGill 65-68.
Donna Watson (kenjer35@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Valley Stream, New York (From Scott's Terrace, Grazettes, St. Michael). Attended Hill Top Primary School and Alexandra Secondary School.
Elizabeth Watson (nee Durant) (lizwatson@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Burlington, Ontario, Canada (From Haymans, St. Peter). Attended St. Winifred's School.
Frederick D. Watson (fwatso@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Shophill Terrace, St. Thomas (From St. Simons, St. Andrew). Attended the Alleyne School 1974-81.
Hazel Watson (bchwatson@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Miami, Florida (From Culloden Road, St. Michael). Attended St. Ursula's School.
Hector D. Watson (hdw1962@gmail.com) - Currently living in Warwick, Bermuda (From Hillaby, St. Andrew & Holetown, St James). Attended Harrison College 1973 - 1980.
Ingrid P. Watkins (ingridwtkns@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Baltimore, Maryland (From Bush Hall, St. Michael/Kendal Hill, Christ Church). Attended St. Leonard's Girls 1975-80.
Janice Watson (delores_jan@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From St. Michael). Attended Westbury Primary, St Leonards Girls 1979-82 and Empire State College 2004-Present.
Jerry Watson (ernestwatson28@gmail.com) - Currentl living in Boston, Massachusetts (From East Coast Road, St. Andrew). Attended St. Andrews Boys and Barbados O'Level Institute.
Joanne T. Watson (Ashby) (caribfem@aol.com) - Currently living in Florida (From Brighton, Black Rock, St. Michael). Attended Foundation School 1981 - 1986.
Joel Watson (jodi2912@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Whitehall, Pennsylvania (From Farm Road, St. Peter). Attended All Saints' Girls, Ellerslie Secondary 1986-92 and Samuel J. Tilden H.S.
Karl S. Watson (kwatson@cariaccess.com) - Currently living in Garrison, St. Michael (From Culloden Road, St. Michael). Attended Harrison College, U.W.I. and the University of Florida.
Kathy-Ann L Watson (klwatson7@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Deacons, St. Michael. Attended Deacons Primary School and Ellerslie Secondary School.
Linda Watson-Lorde (shelryle0@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From New Orleans, St. Michael). Attended Westbury 1965-69 and St. Leonards' Girls 1969-75.
Maria Watson (samlords@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Ipswich, Queensland, Australia (From Belleville, St. Michael). Attended the Ursuline Convent in the 60's.
Mark T. Watson (marktwatson@home.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Culloden Road, St. Michael). Attended Barbados Academy (better known perhaps as Rudder's).
Nigel Watson (nigelwatson1@live.com) - Currently living in Dallas, Texas (From Airy Cot, St .Thomas). Attended Hillaby Mixed School, Modern High School and USMC officer School. USMC (Retired).
Owen M. Watson (watso@northrock.bm)- Currently living in Warwick, Bermuda (From St Simon, St.Andrew). Attended Alleyne School 1965 - 1971.
Pat "Peggy" Watson (Lynch) (patw@c2i.net) - Currently living in Oslo, Norway (From Thornbury Hill, Christ Church). Attended Water Street Girls 1962, Unique High 1969, Oakington Manor, Wembley, UK and Alperton High School, UK.
S. A. "Steve" Watson aka - Chester Lydiard Millicent (bajanexile@aol.com) - Currently living in North Wilshire, U.K. Attended Lodge School, 1958 to 1965.
Sharon S. Watson (shabenbe@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Braggs Hill, St. Joseph. Attended St. Bernard's Primary, St. Joseph and Roebuck Secondary in St. Michael.
Vaneta "Ronnie" Watson (nee Holder) (vanetawatson@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Swindon, Wiltshire, England (From Fortress Hill, St. Thomas). Attended Holy Innocent Mixed School and Washington High School.
Vashti Watson (vaal630@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Airy Cot, St. Thomas). Attended Hillaby Mixed, Springer Memorial Secondary and Tercentenary School of Nursing.
Winslow (Alvin) Watson (wwatsons3@aol.com)- Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Deans Village, St. Michael). Attended West St. Joseph 1978-83.
Winston Watson (winstonlennox@aol.com) - Currently living in Queens, New York (From Belleplaine, St. Andrew).
Yvette Watson (yvette.watson@hotmail.com) - Currently living in London, England (From Rices, St. Philip).
Gregory Watts (wildpine@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Carringtons Village, St. Michael). Attended Roebuck and St. Leonard's.
Junior C Watts (jcdwatts@ibl.bm) - Currently living in Pembroke, Bermuda (From Knights Land, St. Michael). Attended Combermere School from 1972 - 1981.
Kim Watts (kimmi180wrx@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Aukland, New Zealand (From St. John).
Winston Watts (w_winsto@bellsouth.net) - Currently living in Miami, Florida (From Black Rock, St. Michael). Attended Saint Stephen's Primary School and Coleridge and Parry.
B. Desmond P. Weatherhead (desmond@internet.look.ca) - Currently living in Milton, Ontario, Canada (From St. George). Attended Harrison College 1956-63.
Doreen Madolin Weatherhead (doreenweatherhead@btinternet.com) - Currently living in London, U.K. (From Pine Hill). Attended Ursuline Convent 1938-41 and Queens Collage 1941-48.
Jeff Neil Weatherhead (jneil7@sunbeach.net)- Currently living in St. Michael, Barbados. Attended Barbados Academy & Harrison College 1955-63.
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Karen Weatherhead (karen116@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Carrington's Village, St. Michael).
Dr. Louis E.P. Weatherhead (abedweatherhead@yahoo.ca)- Currently living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (From Pine Gardens, St. Michael). Attended Harrison College 1958-1968; University of Western Ontario 1968-1973; University of the West Indies 1973-1978.
Peter A. Weatherhead (breezeway@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in South Ridge, Christ Church. Attended Harrison College, 1948 - 57.
Shaun Weatherhead (shaun@internet.look.ca) - Currently living in Milton, Ontario, Canada (From St. George/St. James).
Sophia Weaver (formerly Deshong, nee Crichlow) (wrweaver@telusplanet.net) - Currently living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada (From Kingsland Terrace, Christ Church). Graduated from St Michael's in 1986.
Grace Webb (sugarcanz2000@yahoo.ca) - Currently living in Toronto, Canada (From Lear's Gap, St. Michael). Attended St. Matthews Primary, Roebuck Secondary, Seneca College Toronto, and York University Toronto.
Vanessa M. Webb (vanessamwebb@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Phillips Road, Cleaver's Hill, St. Joesph. Attended Ellerslie Secondary 1995-2000 and Urban Adult College 2001-2002.
Natalie R. Webber (anrw@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Christ Church, Barbados.
Dave Webster (fdwebster@telus.net) - Currently living in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (From Wildey Plantation, St. Michael). Attended the Lodge School.
Jim Webster (jwebster@infoshare.net) - Current location is Mississauga, Ontario, Canada (From Christ Church).
Paula Wedderburn-Gittens (jpgittens@houston.rr.com) - Currently living in Houston, Texas (From Bayfield, St. Philip). Attended St. Michaels Girls and Community College.
Cheri Weeks-Fraser (cheri3800@aol.com) - Currently living in the Bronx, New York (From Bayland, St. Michaels). Attended St. Paul's Primary School.
Belnando (Belan) Weekes (belnando@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Haggatt Hall, St. Michael (From Belair, St. Philip). Attended Shrewsbury Primary and The Lodge School.
Colvin (Andy) Weekes (takydeo@yahoo.ca) - Currently living in Toronto, Canada (From Sayes Court, Christ Church). Attended St. Christopher Boys, Unique High, and Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic.
Darnal Weekes (kweekes@rogers.com) - Currently living in Ontario, Canada (From Britton's Hill, St. Michael). Attended Modern High School.
Dave Weekes (bryweek@aol.com) - Currently living in New York (From Belair, St. Philip).
Ethnie Weekes-Kinch (aladins.treasures@gmail.com) - Currently living in Clapham, St. Michael (From Belair, St. Philip). Attended Beulah Girls and Christ Church Girls Foundation.
Henderson Weekes (storm9j@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Thornton, Colorado (From Christ Church). Attended Modern High School.
I. "Iggy" Weekes (iggypeter@Hotmail.com) - Currently living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (From Bathsheba, St. Joseph).
Janice Weekes (Callender) (longbay58@aol.com) - Currently living in Middletown, Pennsylvania (From Charnocks, Christ Church). Attended Industry High School, St. Philip.
John E. Weekes (goldtbajan@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York. Attended St. Leonard Boys School.
Karen L. P. Weekes (karlupa@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Borehamwood, Herts, UK (From Christ Church). Attended Queen's College, Class of '81.
Llewellyn Weekes (lweekes@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Clapham, St. Michael.
Michael Weekes (mikesweets2000@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia (From Bayland, St. Michael). Attended Bay Primary Boy's School.
Michael T. Weekes (mmss4@prodigy.net) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From St. Philip). Attended Boy's Foundation 1973-79.
Myrna Weekes (bajanqueen10@verizon.net) - Currently living in Dorchester, Massachusetts (From Brittons Hill, St. Michael). Attended Girls Foundation, Christ Church 1966-72.
Richard Weekes (joqur@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Canada (From Christ Church). Atttended Harrison College.
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Ryan A. D. Weekes (boatyard_lion@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Mississauga, Ontarion, Canada (From Garden Land Country Road, St. Micheal). Attended St. Leonard's Boys' School 1986-91.
Sherrylyn and Patrick Weekes (patrick@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Harmony Hall, St. Philip.
Sharon A. Weekes (sherad3@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Gall Hill, Christ Church (From Lodge Road, Christ Church). Attended Christ Church Girls', The St. Michael School 1982-87 and B.C.C.
Sonia Weekes (soniaw267@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Skeetes Bay Road, Bayfield, St. Philip). Attended Christ Church Foundation High School 1977.
Syrlene Weekes (fayedolly@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Skeetes Bay Road, Bayfield, St. Philip).
Vostine Weekes (vjweekes@optonline.net) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Hindsbury Road, Eagle Hall, St. Michael). Attended Hindsbury Primary and Springer Memorial Secondary.
Wayne D. Weekes (wweekes@banet.net) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Mangrove, St. Philip) Attended Modern High (69-73),City College(CUNY). Hi to all Old Pals.
Wendy Weekes (bajan1999@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Pinelands, St. Michael). Attended Pine Primary and Parkinson.
Francia Welch (franciajones@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Sargeants Village, Christ Church (From St. Lawrence Gap, Christ Church). Attended St. Lawrence Primary, Garrison Secondary, Samuel Jackman Polytechnic and Barbados Community College.
Harold J. Welch (hwelch@earthlink.net) - Currently living in Santa Barbara, California (From Bayville, St. Michael). Attended Garrison Secondary School.
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Kimberley Welch (nee Smith) (kymberkeysm@hotmail.com) - Currently living in London, UK (From Bush Hall, St. Michael). Attended Ellerslie and Samuel Jackson Prescod.
Michael Welch (mykemuzic@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Cane Vale, Christ Church. Attended Christ Church Boy's School and Boy's Foundation School.
Paula G. Welch (welch_pg@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Christ Church. Attended The St. Michael's School.
Dr. Pedro Lancelot (zocky) Welch (pwelch@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Silver Hill, Christ Church. Attended Miss Rebbit's School, St. Matthias Boys, Southborough Boys, Boys Foundation and the University of the West Indies. Currently Student Support Services Coordinator at the University of the West Indies ( Distance Education Centre, Cave Hill, Barbados).
Robert Welch (tobertw908@aol.com) - Currently residing in New York, New York (From Christ Church).
Rondell Welch (rexmerlin@mindspring.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Black Rock, Grazettes and Eden Lodge, St. Michael). Attended Harrison College until 1971.
Roxanne Welch (_daunjuan@excite.com) - Currently living in Queens, New York (From Carrington Village, St. Michael). Attended Alexandra School, Barbados Community College and UWI - Cave Hill.
Sherry-Ann A. Welch (captaincaveman_son@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Maxwell Hill, Christ Church. Attended St. Peter's Girls, Christ Church Girls, Coleridge & Parry and Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic.
Stephen Welch-Drakes (rebel22_us@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Westchester, New York (From Eagle Hall, St. Michael). Attended St. Leonards Boy's.
Sylvester Welch (w-sylvester@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in St. David, Christ Church. Attended St. David's Primary, Christ Church Boys and Boys Foundation 1962-69.
Vascall Welch (vascall_welch@hotmail.com) - Currently living in London, UK (From Bush Hall, St. Michael).
Sheila Welcome (rockout2@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Black Rock, St. Michael. Attended Pine Primary and Parkinson Secondary School.
D. Christine Wellman (nee Hinds) (cwellman@ibl.bm) - Currently living in Bermuda (From Black Rock, St. Michael).
Hercules L. Went (hleow01@hotmail.com) - Currently living in London, United Kingdom (From Eagle Hall, St. Micheal). Attended Dalton's Academy School and Mr Durant's [School Master] Junior School.
Peter Went (donnawoodswent@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Baltimore, Maryland (From St. Michael). Attended St. Leonard's Boys 1967-73.
Ronnell Went (nee Brathwaite) (squeakybajan@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Sealy Hill, St. Philip). Attended St. Catherines, Bayleys Girls School and Princess Margaret Secondary School.
Sharon A. Went (rhyzzo@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Black Rock, St. Michael. Attended Queen's College 1988-94 and Barbados Community College 1994-96.
Wendy Went (wendewent@tesco.net) - Currently living in Bristol, U.K. (From Kings Village, St. Michaels).
Frank D West (psy648@bellsouth.net) - Currently living in Pensacola, Florida (From Hinds BuryRoad, St.Michael).
Vera E. West (veraewest@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Barbarees Hill, St. Michael. Attended Westbury Infants 1963-65, Westbury Juniour 1965-68, St. Michael Girls' School 1968-76, Barbados Community College 1977, U.W.I(Cave Hill) 1989-95/1997-99.
Andrew Wharton (abcw00@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Flagstaff, St. Michael).
Gordon W.A. Wharton (gwharton@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Pickering, Ontario, Canada (From St. George). Attended The Lodge 1953-63.
Stacia E. Wharton-Wertheimer (staci0711@yahoo.com) - Currently living in New York City, New York (From Gall Hill, Christ Church). Attended St. Christophers Girls School, Princess Margaret Secondary School and Pace University.
Cicely M. Wharton-White (willa48@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Flagstaff Rd., St. Michael). Attended Mrs. Smith Private School - River Road and Girls' Foundation - class of '68.
Colleen White-Bowen (ceejay_32@juno.com) - Currently living in Stockbridge, Georgia (From Christ Church. Attended Christ Church Foundation School.
Doriel White (dorielwhite@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Mount Standfast, St. James. Attended Leacock's Private School and Alexandra School 1970-77.
Ian White (iw0703@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Worthing View, Christ Church. Attended St. Matthias Primary and Coleridge & Parry.
Len White (lenwhite@optonline.net) - Currently living in the Bronx, New York (From Martinique Road, My Lord's Hill, St. Michael). Attended St. Giles and Combermere.
Marquita M. White (nee Yarde) (wmyarde@aol.com or wmyarde@yahoo.com). Currently living in Altanta, Georgia (From Wotton, Christ Church). Attended Wakefield High School 1969-73.
Marlyn White-Barnes (marpat4@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Irvington, New Jersey (From Drax Hall Hope, St. George). Attended St. George Secondary and St. Judes Primary.
Mary White (mary.white@childrens.harvard.edu) - Currently living in St. Michael. Attended St. Patrick's Girls.
Patricia M. White (nee Yearwood) (pmwhite56@gmail.com) - Currently living in St. James (From St. Andrew). Attended Belmont and Alexandra.
Pauline White-Hewitt (paulinewhite_hewitt@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Rendezvous, Christ Church.
Peter A. White (peterwhite@weststartv.com) - Currently living in Bodden Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands (From Flint Hall, St. Michael). Attended Erdiston Primary and Ellerslie Secondary.
Roslyn L. White, Ph.D. (nee Parris) (roswhite@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Kenosha, Wisconsin (From Dayrell's Rd, St. Michael). Attended St. Matthias Girls, Combermere School 1978-84, Cathedral High School - Boston, MA 1984-86, Regis College - Weston MA 1986-90 and the University of Florida 1990-95.
Tricia White (nee Kirton) (triciawhite00@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Florida (From Monroe Road, St. George). Attended Charles F. Broome Primary and Combermere 1988-92.
Valencia M. White (thickcarmel19@aol.com) - Currently living in Miami, Florida (From Rock Hall, St. Andrew). Attended Alexandra Secondary School 1993-95, American High School 1995-99 and Miami-Dade Community College.
Vincie D. White (vince.white@which.net) - Currently living in Reading, England (From Speightstown, St. Peter). Attended Coleridge-Parry 1960-65 and Combermere from 1965-68.
Keisha Whitehall (whitehal@alpha.fdu.edu) - Currently living in New Jersey (From St.George). Attended Queen's College.
Joan C. Whitehead (jwhitehd@bu.edu) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Speightstown). Attended B'dos SDA Secondary School and CUC in Trinidad.
Peter Gairy Whitney (epw005@email.mot.com) - Currently resides in Ft Lauderdale, Florida (From St. Michael).
Cheryl Whittaker (workgirl31@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Westchester, New York (From Arthur Seat, St. Thomas). Attended St. Leonards Girls.
Michelle Whittaker (buns@mailexcite.com) - Currently living in Athens, Georgia (From Husbands Heights, St. James). Attended Harrison College 1991-98.
Abigail Wickham (abigail.wickham@ccsedu.com) - Currently living in St. Thomas. Attended Co-operative High School and Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn.
Peter W. Wickham (wickham@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in St. Michael, Barbados. Attended Christ Church Foundation 1979-1985; Barbados Community College 1985-1987; UWI Cave Hill 1987-1990, 1991-1993; UWI St. Augustine 1995-1998.
Erwin A. Wilkinson (alfred0023@aol.com) - Currently living in West Palm Beach, Florida (From East Bourne, St.Philip). Attended Princess Margaret High 1964-68.
Juliette Wilkinson (julieharr@cfl.rr.com) - Currently living in Kissimmee, Florida (From Britton's Hill, St. Michael).
Peter C. Wilkinson (pcwilkinson1@hotmail.co.uk) - Currently living in London, England (From Belleplaine St. Andrew). Attended St. Andrew's Primary and the Alleyne School, Belleplaine.
Amanda "Mandy" Williams (emily-mandy@worldnet.att.net) - Currently schooling at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida.
Annette Williams (annwom@comcast.net) - Currently living in West Hartford, Connecticut (From Lodge Hill, St. Michael). Attended St. John The Baptist, Federal High, Ellerslie Secondary 1975 and Central Connecticut State University.
Antoinette Williams (nee Goddard) (antoinettewil@home.com or wilgrip@home.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Canada (From Parish Landing, Christ Church).
Anthony Williams (antoinettewil@home.com or wilgrip@home.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Canada (From Merricks, St. Philip).
Carl N Williams (weekly@erols.com) - Currently residing in Yonkers, New York (From Thornbury Hill, Christ Church). Attended Water Street Boy's School 1960-1968.
Dr. Chaynie J. Williams (drchaynie@mail.sunbeach.net) - Currently living in Salters, St. George, Barbados. Attended Harrison College from 1982-1989.
Cheryl Williams (circebush@hotmail.com) - Currently living in St. Thomas (From Spooners Hill, St. Lucy). Attended Queens College and UWI Class of 1986. Currently President of the Guild of Graduates (UWI Alumni Association), Barbados Chapter.
Christopher Williams (caw3609@netdor.com) - Currently living in Fort Lauderdale Florida.
Covia Y. Williams (aivoc74@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Huntsville, Alabama (From Ashton Hall, St. Peter). Attended All Saints Girls Primary, St. James Secondary 1986-92 and Borough of Manhattan CC New York.
Harry Williams (harry.williams@tiscali.no) - Currently living in Norway (From St. Davids Village, Christ Church). Attended St. Davids Boys.
Ian Williams (h.haroldianw@verizon.net) - Currently living in the Bronx, New York (From Bush Hall, St. Michael. Attended Wesley Hall and Barbados Academy High School 1959-64.
Judy J. Williams (nee Marshall) (williams@sintmaarten.net) - Currently living in St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles (From Rendezvous Gardens, Christ Church. Attended St. Ursula's School 1970-75.
Julia M. Williams (shellca917@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Chicago, Illinois (From St. Michael). Attended Roebuck Secondary.
Lee-Anne Williams (leeannew22@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Husbands, St. James). Attended Ellerslie Secondary 1988-94, Barbados Community College 1996-98 and currently attending CUNY in New York.
Maritza Williams (caribbeanlady05@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Lodge Hill, St. Michael). Attended St. Patrick's RC School.
Mark Williams (mw1999@ibm.net) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Durants / Vauxhall Christ Church).
Martin H. L. Williams (h.martin.williams@gmail.com) - Currently living in Inch Marlow, Christ Church. Attended The Lodge School from 1975-82.
Mike A. Williams (mikewill@caribsurf.com) - Currently resides in St. Lucy, Barbados (From St. Michael). Mike is with the
Combermere School Old Scholars Association and is looking for all Combermerians all over the world !!
Owen Williams (oawill@rogers.com) - Currently living in Brampton, Ontario, Canada (From St. Michaels).
Rhonda D. Williams (nee Forde) (bajanrhonda@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Grazettes, St. Michael). Attended St. Leonards Girls until 1986.
Robyn Williams (nee Branch) robyn93@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Canada (From Paynes Bay, St. James). Attended Ellerslie Secondary.
Roger L. D. Williams (bpwakanda@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Jacksonville, Florida (From Bayland, St. Michael). Attended Bay Primary and Lynch's Secondary (Green Lynch) 1971-72.
Sonia Williams (gretel1016@gmail.com) - Currently living in Albuquerque, New Mexico (From Mt. Friendship, St. Michael). Attended Stow Primary School.
Sophia Williams (sophia.williams@verizon.net) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Lion Castle, St. Thomas).
Steven Williams (steven@sunisle.com) - Currently resides in Bannatyne Gardens, Christ Church.
Sylvia Williams (sopkiw@coastalnet.com) - Currently living in Jacksonville, North Carolina (From Olive Lodge Rd, St. James). Attended St. James Mixed School.
Tammy Williams (nee Taitt) (tammy_2@email.msn.com) - Currently living in California (From St. Michael). Attended St. George Secondary.
Toni Williams (trinibaj@worldnet.att.net) - Currently resides in Westchester, New York (From St. John).
Trevor J Williams (maddogwilliams@msn.com) - Currently living in Bitburg, Germany (From Pegwell, Christ Church). Went To Unique 74-77.
Walton "Rodney" Williams (walton@accessatlanta.com) - Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia (From St. Barnabas, St. Michael). Attended St. Anthony's High; Community College; Southern University at New Orleans; University of Florida.
Wendy Williams (caw3609@netdor.com) - Currently living in Fort Lauderdale Florida.
Angela Williams-Trotman (rtrotman@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (From Kendall Hill, St. Michael). Attended Girls Foundation 1959-1969.
Fran Willemsen (nee deBeger) (john.fran.willem@clear.net.nz) - Currently living in Dunedin, New Zealand (From St. Michael). Attended Ursuline Convent 1966-77.
Lorna Willins (outerbridge@verizon.net) - Currently living in Mattapan, Massachusetts (From Richmond Gap, St. Michael). Attended St. Leonard's Girls.
Marlene Willins (mewillins@rkmc.com) - Currently living in Dorchester, Massachusetts (From St. James). Attended St. Leonards Girls School.
Brian Willis (bw@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Canada (From St. Michael).
Angela Wilson (nee Marshall) (angiejwilson@bellsouth.net) - Currently living in Monroe, Louisiana (From Sargeant's Village, Christ Church). Attended Pine Primary, Springer Memorial and Metropolitan High School.
Brenda A. Wilson (beauti_b@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Hothersal, St. John. Attended Christ Church Foundation.
Carlos A. Wilson (wilson_carlos@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Brighton, Black Rock, St. Michael). Attended Lodge School 1966-73.
Delandro C. Wilson (delcwilson@verizon.net) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Grazettes, St. Michael). Attended Combermere.
John "Ricky" R A Wilson (envdivn@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Regency Park, Christ Church, Barbados. Attended Harrison College from 1974 -1981.
Matthew A. Wilson (mattstorm@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Black Rock, St. Michael. Attended St. Michael School 1987-92, Barbados Community College 1992-94, University of the West Indies at St. Augustine 1994-97, Institute of International Relations 1997-98, University of Bath 2000-Present.
Sharon Wilson (dawn@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Christ Church, Barbados. Attended Foundation School.
Tricia Trixi Wilson (kymillion@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Gibbons Terrace, Christ Church (From Carlton and Weston St. James). Attended St. Albans Primary, Ellerslie Secondary and University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus.
Wren Wilson (wrenaubrey@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada (From St. Michael). Attended Barbados Academy from 1956 to 1964, Sir George Williams University and Loyola University.
Velma E. Wiltshire (velmawiltshire@hotmail.com) - Currently living in University of Luton, UK (From Bayfield, St. Philip). Attended Christ Church Girls Foundation and University of the West Indies.
Harriett A. Winborne (nee Hall) (hwinborne@home.com) - Currently living in Upper Darby , Pennsylvania (From Bush Hall, St. Michael). Attended St. Leonard's Girls.
Cheryl Whittaker (workgirl31@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Westchester, New York (From St. Thomas). Attended St. Leonards Girl's.
Reynold E. Woodall (bike.n.liv@gmail.com) - Currently living in Fayetteville, North Carolina (From Boscobelle, St. Peter). Attended Boscobelle Boys and Coleridge & Parry, 1957-1962.
Lisa Wood (gidizina@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Laynes Road, Brittons Hill, St. Michael. Attended Erdiston Nursery, Charles F. Broome Memorial Primary School, Harrison College and UWI.
Rawle Wood (rawle@rehab-management.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From St. Mattias, Christ Church). Attended St. Mattias Boys School and Garrison Secondary School.
Rosalind P. Wood-Burrowes (ros3e@aol.com) - Currently living in West Palm Beach, Florida (From Silver Hill Christ Church). Attended Ellerslie 80-86.
Lorrine Elaine Wood-Johnson (lorrainej@rogers.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Canada (From Brittons Hill, St. Michael). Attended St. Pauls Girls until 1959, Hurlingham Secondary in London and Hammersmith College.
Carolyn Woodall (cywoodall@gmail.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Lowland, Christ Church). Attended Combermere School.
G.Andrew Woodroffe (pasta@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in St. Vincent (From St. John). Attended The Lodge School.
Donna D. Woods (donnawoodswent@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Baltimore, Maryland (From St. Michael). Attended St. Michael's Girls 1966-72.
J. David S. Workman (workie@sunbeach.net) - Currently living in Wanstead, St. James (From Christ Church). Graduated from The Lodge School in 1988.
Paul Workman (howliep@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Southern Ontario, Canada (From Eden Lodge Area). Attended St. Leonards 1974-'79 (Tech).
Mouse and Sophie Worme(Gale) (s.worme@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in Christ Church, Barbados (From Christ Church and St.George). Attended Harrisons College and Queen's College.
Andrew Worrel (bajan0123@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Suitland, Maryland (From St. Andrew). Attended Bawdens Mixed and Samuel Prescot Polytechnic.
Anne P. Worrell (lovebird@spooksie.fsnet.co.uk) - Currently living in London, England (From Airy Hill, St. Joseph). Attended St. Bernards Primary and Alleyne School until 1980.
Annette A. Worrell (klh373@cs.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Eden Lodge, St. Michael). Attended Ellerslie 1972-76.
Ansley Worrell (wu_tm22@hotmail.com) - Currently living in St. Philip. Attended Bay Primary and Ellerslie.
Charmaine Worrell (nee D'Hayle) (dhaylec@visto.com) - Currently living in Nassau, Bahamas (From Pick Wick Gap). Combermere Old Scholar 1985.
Debra D.Worrell (emersaphire@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts. Attended Princess Margaret.
Dentonio Worrell (irieman2@msn.com or dworrel@ic.sunysb.edu) - Currently living in Long Island, New York (From St. George).
Gary W. Worrell (roylworrell1897@aol.com) - Currently living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (From St. Paul/St. Michael).
Harriette Worrell (hworrell@jhancock.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Indian Ground, St Peter). Attended Alleyne High School.
Heather Worrell-Fisher (fisherhv@bingham.com)- Currently residing in Boston, Massachusetts(From Christ Church). Attended Lynch's Secondary School.
Hettie Worrell-Armstrong (harmstrong@detma.org) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Christ Church). Attended Lynch's Secondary.
Janay Worrell (ladyjw6@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Croydon, London, UK (From Boscobel, St. Peter).
Kelah R. Worrel (klh373@cs.com) - Currently living in Boston, Massachusetts (From Eden Lodge, St. Michael).
Michael Worrell (mlworrell@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (From Road View, St. Peter). Attended Coleridge and Parry.
Michael Worrell (zeeuss@aol.com)- Currently residing in Brooklyn, New York (From Bank Hall, St. Michael). Attended St. Leonards School.
Noel Rudolph Worrell (worrellnr@aol.com) - Currently living in Brooklyn, New York (From Barbaree's Hill, St. Michael). Attended St. Leonard's Boys School, Wesley Hall Boys elementary, Combermere 1949-56 (secondary), Brooklyn College and New York University.
Orson Worrell (whirly1@sympatico.ca) - Currently living in Port Hope, Ontario, Canada (From Baywoods, St. James). Attended All Saints Boys School.
Shanika Worrell (onelove_shorty@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Hackettstown, New Jersey (From Farm Rd, St. Peter). Attended Roland Edwards, Springer Memorial 2006 and Warren County School Of Nursing.
Sheldon R. Worrell (cswow@caribsurf.com) - Currently living in St. James. Attended Leacock's Private 1975-76 and Coleridge & Parry 1976-81.
Stephenson Worrell (bimman41@comcast.net) - Currently living in Hollywood, Florida (From Sixmen's, St. Peter). Attended St. Lucy's Secondary school from 1971-76.
Sylvia Worrell (sylviaworrell@gmail.com) - Currently living in Miami, Florida (From Barbarees Hill, St. Michael). Attended St. Leonard's, St. Mary's junior, St. Mary's infant and St. Gabriel's High 1960-64.
Algay Wowo (nee Brathwaite) (algayb@hotmail.com) - Currently living in Metairie, Louisiana (From Gemswick, St. Philip). Attended St. Martins Mangrove Primary, Springer Memorial 1984-90 and The Barbados Community College.
C. Allan Wright (seealwright@aol.com) - Currently living in Florida (From Paddock Road, St. Michael). Attended Southboro Boys, Clifton Hill at St. Thomas and Combermere Boys at St. Michael.
Valda E. Wright tudorve@aol.com - Currently living in New Jersey (From Tweedside Road, St. Michael). Former Teacher at The Alleyne School, Washington High School and St. Giles Girls School.
Maria Elizabeth Wyndham-Gittens (mnovasun@aol.com ) - Currently living in West Palm Beach, Florida (From Christ Church). Attended Codrington High School 1973-74.
Audine Wynn (Nee Audine Prescod) (aawynn@bellsouth.net) - Currently living in College Park, Georgia (From St. Michael). Attended Hindsbury Girls School and St. Leonard's Secondary Modern Girls.
Sandra N. Wynn (nee Seale)(nee King) (wynn_sandie@yahoo.com) - Currently living in Bastrop, Louisiana (From Collymore Rock, St. Michael/4 Roads, St. Philip). Attended Mrs. Smith's Private School and St. Ursula's High School.