Legal Notices

This page is to inform you of the Restrictions Of Use and Disclaimers To Content of this site.



DisclaimersTo Content
  • All content of each listing is the sole responsibility of the person requesting addition to this service.
  • If such content is incorrect or no longer correct, it is up to the list member to update their information.
  • Any contact from me or "Bajans On The Web" is understood to be minimal and necessary.
    If such contact it not welcome, then the list member may say so and be deleted from the listing.

Notice of Use Policy
  • Acceptable Use
    • Acceptable use is the obvious. That is, the world is free to peruse the listings in hopes of finding family and friends.
      Contact to the list members should be only for that reason.

  • Unacceptable Use
    • Unacceptable use is anything else. Some examples are (but not limited to):
      • Mass mailing the listings, or a subset of listings, in hopes of finding a lost acquaintance.
        That's lazy and inconsiderate of those that have restricted use mailboxes. You are using up their time and money.
      • Spamming (Unsolicited e-mails, be it singular or mass mailed, for reasons other than 'Acceptable Use' listed above) list members.
        • This includes advertising, fund-raising, for-profit, non-profit etc.
        • Any such type e-mail must be approved in advance.
      • Gathering and selling e-mail addresses.
      • Soliciting list members for listings in another site (similar or not). BIG NO NO. You are free to start your own site, but not to pilfer the hard work at this site.
    • Please read up on the US Copyright laws and International contracts such as the Berne Convention, Universal Copyright Convention, EU Convention, WIPO, WTO etc. We do take this extremely seriously.

  • The Unacceptable Use Policy is to protect the list members from junk mail, to the best of our abilities, and also to protect the hundreds of hours of work that have gone into this site.
  • Also, this notice may protect you in the event you were thinking of an unauthorized mailing (by waking you up). Be aware that those that get e-mail at a work address may invoke the wrath of their employer upon you for various legal reasons. An ISP may also be unhappy if informed by it's client of spamming activity.
